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Stories and legends
Akita e i bambini
Hachiko, il cane di Shibuya
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The imperial Akita

It is narrated that Yuryaku Emperor (457-479 d.C.) saw, passing for a village, a house much similar to its palace, furious it gave order to immediately set on fire and destroy the house, nothing had to remain. The deprived of hope owner not knowing like making to change idea to the Emperor, thought about giving him one of its puppies , taken beautifulst and donated its getlteman. The Emperor remained therefore hit from the beauty of those puppie that granted the grace stopping the given order, the house was saves. Those puppies (ancestors of akita) becames member of the court. When one addressed to an Imperial Akita was of obligation to purposely use created special terms for this race; the same overseer of the dog had to use a particular dress, and the dog had to carry a leash that indicated the social state (of the dog beyond that of the owner). One of the old myths to the race is one popular legend of the Ainu (children of the dogs); the respect towards this race derives from a second legend which the Ainu people would be been born from the union between one woman and a dog. The women, when they went to the job in the fields, used to entrust their sons to a female of Akita that would watches them until their return. Still today when born a child is a lot appreciate to receive one statueof Akita synonymous of long life and good fortune.

Akita and the children

When Japanese women went at work in the fields they used to let their children in custody of a female Akita Inu who would have looked after them until their return. Still today, when a baby is born, it is very welcomed to receive an little Akita Inue statue as a present because it is symbol of long life and good luck.

Hachiko, the Shibuya dog.

Near the railway station Shibuya, Tokyo, there is a statue dedicated to akita, draft of Hachiko, the dog of a teacher that every day went to the station to waiting for his owner, one day the teacher died while he was working and the dog continued to go to the station at the same hour every day since the day that he died to(1935). Nowadays some Japanese braces appointment in the public square where the statue is found, Achiko still represents a fidelity symbol.

Statua di Hachiko


Last Updated on Wednesday, 12 August 2009 17:07